How An Egg Tray Manufacturing Machine Operates

When manufacturing egg trays, the costs incurred in operations and efficiency really matter. The number of egg trays that are produced will be contingent on this. Just the eggs that are placed on them, egg trays are just as important which is why the manufacturing machine used needs to effectively fulfill its functionality.

Egg Tray

Here’s how an egg tray machine operates from start to finish:

Egg Tray Pulping System

This is the initial phase of the egg tray manufacturing process. As a matter of fact, the pulp molding component is the key part of the entire manufacturing line and is at the very center of how the complete egg tray product will look like. Given its environmental friendliness, pulp molding has gained much popularity in the world. You’ll be happy to know that the whole manufacturing line is pollution-free, with the resulting egg tray products being bio-degradable. It essentially converts waste paper to pulp.

The three parts of an egg tray pulping system include a pulp refiner, a pulp pump, and a hydraulic pulper. In the system, the waste paper is turned via the hydraulic pulper’s shear and frictional force. When all the impurities have been eliminated, the pulp is relocated to a pool of water. You should know that pulp materials are waterproof which allows some additives to be uniformly combined with the pulp stirred in the tank. The pulp pump then transports the refined pulp to the pulp forming machine.

Egg Tray Molding System

While the pulp is being pumped into the egg tray molding machine, the molds forming at the top of the tank will get dipped and crammed in with the pulp. A vacuum pump is then used to press the pulp to the surface where the molds are forming. In the meantime, water will be getting removed from the pulp. But more than 60% of water content will stay after the dehydration process. You’ll have to use transfer molds to take away wet products from the molds forming. The forming mold and transfer mold are synchronized to one another in a concave and convex manner. From demolding, you can choose your preferred drying method depending on the climate, fuel, labor force and space you’ve got. Know more about the molding system:

Egg Tray Drying System

Unlike the preceding two phases, this step is pretty much straightforward. The main drying methods you can use include natural drying, metal drying, brick drying room with carts and conveyor belt brick drying room. If you are a small-scale business, egg tray dyrer machine with natural drying may be perfect for you. However, for it to work effectively, you’ll need to have a big space and hope for ideal weather conditions.

5500 Pcs Paper Egg Tray Making Machine

Packing System

This is the last stage of the production process. Whether you do this step or not is entirely up to you depending on the egg tray quality and price. Depending on how well the other phases have been done, this last stage will be easy to accomplish and prepare the egg trays for market.

To ensure you are getting your money’s work, go for a quality egg tray manufacturing machine and learn about pulp molding machine in advance.